Motivational Monday- If you can dream it you can do it

Every-time I publish one of these posts I cant believe its the start of another week. I can not believe that we are already in October...How did that happen?
Today I wanted to keep it short and sweet.  Often we are in such a rush to achieve our goals quickly that we loose sight of the small progress that we make, and the small but significant success's we achieve.

Progress doesn't happen overnight. We dont always see the results straight away, but that doesn't mean we should give up, or that we are not succeeding.

In fact making progress slowly means that you can learn so much as you go along.

Slow progress is the most sustainable. It allows you to make adjustments and improvements as you go, making the end results even better.

Comment below your goals, and what you hope to achieve this October!
So no matter what is going on in your life that you wish was happening faster, dont give up keep going, and enjoy the success when it comes .



  1. This is a great point - each small victory adds up to help us win the war! I actually just published a post today of my October goals for my blog!
    Britt |

  2. This is such a great post! I love this! So much motivation thanks for cheering me up whilst I’m so poorly! Xxx

    1. Aw thank you so so much lovely! I really hope you get better soon! <3

  3. This post has come at a perfect time for me. It's so so true. I've been living in a pigsty (also known as my bedroom) for many months and I decided to start taking action this weekend. Slowly. I've been doing a little each day and it's helped so much already, making it feel manageable and I love that. My goal for the next two weeks is to complete all of the tidying - in all of the house. I've given myself plenty of time, in the hope I can just do a little each day and get it done!

    Reema |

    1. Yes girl! So glad this came at the right time for you! Let me know how you're getting on! <3

  4. I love this post it’s so great and motivational! This month I’m hoping to get a really good start on my masters work for two of my modules x

    Kayleigh Zara ��

    1. OOh masters work sounds so difficult! Its a great idea to get a good start then you feel less bogged down! Good luck lovely! xx

  5. This has honestly brightened my day and I'm going to note down some of the things you've said to say to myself when I feel like I'm not moving anywhere! The road to success is a hard one but we all know it'll be so worth it in the end even if it's hard to see sometimes! I've set myself a goal of 5k page views on my new site by the end of the year so this month I want to up my blog posts to 3 a week to try and push that along :)
    Alice Xx

  6. I love this! I feel like I need to listen to this more as I love seeing results immediately ahah x

    1. Im so the same! I want everything done yesterday as my mum loves to tell me! xx

  7. My main goal is to keep up to date with my Blogtober posts as I've got some ideas that I love so I just need to work hard to get the quality I want. I love your motivating advice! I want to lose weight so I'm going to the gym and eating a bit healthier, I get a bit impatient if I don't see results quickly so I need to remind myself that it takes time like you advised x


    1. Yes definitely! cant wait to read your posts! Yes weight loss is a really important one to remember that it takes time and not to give up, as you will see the results eventually! xx

  8. Love these motivational Monday posts! Definitely need to follow your advice x

    Chessie | 🌿

    1. aw thank you lovely! So glad you like them! xx

  9. For me, I always see anything as a milestone! Even something like when I reached 1k followers on Twitter and even 400 followers on Instagram!! It's those little milestones you need to appreciate because that's what helps you to progress further. I am loving these Motivational Monday posts! Gets me geared up for the upcoming week.

    Gemma |

  10. I think patience is the most painful lesson to learn . My goal is to blog more consistently

  11. I agree! I always have to work on my patience because most of the time I want success to happen to me NOW but it doesn't work like that. I am putting a lot of work in my life and believe that it will pay off eventually and I will reach the goals I want to reach!

    Julia xx

  12. I completely agree, i love this post. Progress doesn’t happen overnight and I don’t understand why we’re in such a rush to complete our goals. When you take your time the results are always better xx

  13. This is so important! Of course you're supposed to have goals but I like to use smaller milestones as well so that I don't feel like I've achieved nothing and give up :)x

    Anu | Based On blog | Bloglovin


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