Essential Rules to Live Your Life By~Motivational Monday #5

1. If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it.
2. If you don't ask, you wont get.
3.If you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place. 
4. You are not the first and you certainly wont be the last.

Today I was having a conversation, and was reminded of a saying my Grandad has drilled into me from a young age 'if you dont ask you wont get.' Occasionally, when we get tired, have a bad day, or week, we begin to feel demotivated, and can loose sight of our end goal. I find that reminding myself of these motto's whenever I feel this way, helps to reassure me that I got this and that I should do what ever I can in my power to achieve the goals I have set myself. If you haven't set yourself goals then I highly recommend that you do, go for a variety of long and short term, it helps you to have motivation. Even if you dont succeed as quickly as you would like, if you keep focused, one day you will achieve them and when that day comes the sense of achievement and self-worth you will feel will be completely worth it. Not only by living by these rules will you feel content and have purpose in your life, you will also never have any regrets, and know that you are doing everything you can to be the best person that you can be. 

How to create the PERFECT Vanilla Vegan Biscuit

As its Easter Sunday, how could I not share an Easter bake?

These vanilla cookies are a dream, they have that legendary SNAP that all good biscuits need when you bite into them followed by a soft chew in the mouth.

They are perfect for baking by adults and children alike and by changing up your cookie cutters you can make them perfect for any time of the year.

With just 102 calories per cookie, they aren't going to ruin that diet, when you can't help but tuck in ;)

180g Plain flour
100ml Vanilla Soya Milk
50g icing sugar
50g Pure sunflower spread
1tsp vanilla extract

for the icing
150g icing sugar
Vegan food colouring

Cream together the flour and the sugar
Add the vanilla extract, soya milk, and half of the flour mixing until combined
Add the rest of the flour, mixing with your hands to form a dough bowl
Roll out onto a floured surface and cut out with your chosen cutters 
Place on a greased baking tray in the oven for 15 minutes or until golden around the edges
Remove from the oven and leave to cool
IN a bowl mix the icing sugar with approx 2-3tbsp of water but add 1 at a time and judge according to consistency.
Separate into 3 bowls and add your favourite food colours to each 
Decorate and leave to dry-if you can wait that long!!

What Vegans Eat-Protein Packed Oreo Brownies

Often when people hear you dont eat animal products their first concern is your protein intake. With education in the variety of food out there that contains protein this has never been an issue for me and these brownies go to show why!

This plate of gooey chocolaty goodness is my protein packed peanut butter Oreo brownies! 🍫 they are @oreothins @trunutbutter powder coco powder and melted @greenandblacks chocolate! Only 36 calories a slice, high in protein, and completely vegan they are a fitness fans dream!

1.6g fat
4.7g carbs
1.7g protein

Green and Blacks cocoa powder-1.2tbsp
Tru-Nut powdered peanut butter-50g
4 oreo thin biscuits
tsp baking powder
Maya gold organic Dark chocolate Green and Blacks-20g 
100ml dark chocolate almond milk 

Pre heat the oven to 180c
Mix together the baking powder, peanut butter powder and cocoa powder
Melt the chocolate by placing in warm oven 
Stir in the chocolate milk to the dry ingredients, and mix until smooth
Add the melted chocolate to the mix and stir again
Finally crumble in your Oreo thins-I added 4 but feel free to add more!
Bake for 10 minutes and enjoy! 


Choose Happiness Motivational Monday #4

There are two quotes Im focusing on this week. It has been a particularly busy week and both seemed very appropriate.
So this quote is perfect for my motivational Monday post this week. The week has involved, moving house, cracking my ribs, revising for exams and writing my academic development. 
It hasn't been the easiest week of my life to say the least, but it has taught me so much about my own strength and also the strength and kindness of those around me. 
My parents have coped and led our house move with such calmness and enthusiasm it is truely inspiring. We have all only ever moved once and my brother and sister had never moved before so to say it was an adventure would be an understatement. I dont think any of us quite anticipated just how much packing was involved or just how much stuff we actually owned. 
It became even more of an adventure when on the morning of our move with only 4 hours sleep I managed to fall winding myself and cracking my ribs. My mum was onto NHS 111 straight away despite our desperate packing situation! My sister was the next Savior and kindly offered to come to UTC with me in the ambulance so I wouldn't have to go by myself. From this experience I not only learnt that my sister is a star but also that in order to be a good nurse I should never leave a patient to struggle (we were just watched by my nurse as my sister tried to move the wheelchair with the breaks on, and then struggled to get my coat off me due to my lack of movement!)
I then learnt that I have the best, best friend on the planet; who came out to get me from hospital, lent me clothes and let me stay at her house, even though it was her birthday and she had places to be!

I often find it very easy to look at what other people have and want it for myself, forgetting all the amazing components of my own life. I think it so important whenever I see someone achieving something that I want, to remember I can achieve just as much as they have and that I should feel pleased for them and to use them as inspiration to reach my own goals. This gives me confidence to achieve and also allows me to practice compassion which I believe is highly important. Jealousy is such a soul destroying emotion that often leaves upset, replacing that feeling with one of happiness for the person and aspiration for yourself is so much more positive in so many ways. I would advise anyone who feels like they want something someone else has to switch to this way of thinking! 
It is also important to consider that they will have had their own adventures and learning experiences to get to that point, that you may not know about, therefore remember that the grass is always greener on the other side and that although things may look great for someone else it doesn't always mean they feel great or that it wasn't tough for them to get to that position. 

Motivational Monday #3 We are all meant to shine as children do

Happy Monday everyone!

For today's post I wanted to share this quote with you all. 
An Image from my first 10K run in a year, a huge step for finally being strong enough to run that distance.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine , as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." 

(Marianne Williamson) 

It is such a beautiful quote and one that I feel is hugely important to spread. Its message not only tells us to love ourselves but to use that self love to empower others. I love the referral to childhood, when we dont have a care in the world and act as we like. Its so freeing when you finally reach a point in your life when you start asking yourself will this make me happy and if the answer is no you have the confidence not to do it, and if its yes then you just go for it with everything you have to give

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