My Disneyland Paris Planning Guide 2018 | I'm Going To Disney!!

Plan my Disney trip with me! 

If you read my blog then you will know what a big fan of planning and organising. If  you love to have some organisation in your life then I will link my bullet journal posts, and 5 minute make up tips for your enjoyment.

As for Disney, I am so excited. At the age of 23 I have never been to Disney, until next week!

So I thought I would share my Disney planning tip with you all, because whether you are going to Disney or not its always fun to read and watch other people plan and go! (Maybe thats just me but I do love to live these experiences vicariously through others).

1. Plan When You Want To go.

The first thing we did was plan when the best time to go to Disney was. We found Tuesday-Thursday came out top and also outside of holiday times. This is when least people are at the park so you spend less time queuing and more time enjoying the park!

2. Deciding Where You Are Going to Stay.

This one can get tricky and really depends on how much you want to spend and how much travelling you want to do! For us, we didn't want to be too far away, but we did find the accommodation on-sight a little too pricey!

Something to make sure of here is that you dont end up spending what you save by staying outside of the park, on transport!

3. Do you want Food as part of your accommodation or are you happy to do your own thing?

Going all inclusive can be great, it saves time, takes the pressure of organising meals away, and means you dont have to roam around trying to find supermarkets. For me however, this isnt an option. Being on a dairy free, meat free, low gluten diet for my health, its much easier for me to organised my own food. Then I know I wont be sick whilst I'm away.

Im going to write a post on my food blog The Vogue Veggie, all about eating at Disney with food allergies. I will like it here once thats up!

Save this post for later on Pinterest!

4. Looking at local shops and transport. 

The next key step in your plan is to suss out where the local shops are, and where transport is if you are staying outside of the park. If you are staying within the park, where about your hotel is, whats near it?

Finding out these key points can save so much time when you are there. If you already have an idea of where and how you are going, you dont have to waste time looking it up on your dodgey 3G, whilst wondering if you are going to miss and event!

5. What rides Do You Want to Go On & When are You Going to Do Them?

Coming up with a loose Itinerary is great. You wont miss any events that are on that you really want to see and you can plan to go on rides in similar areas so you arent wandering around wondering where the rides are and which you should go to next.

I say loose because even though its great to have an idea, sometimes things dont go to plan so being flexible is key!!

6. Join Facebook Groups.

This is the Facebook Group I am part of but there are loads. Get on social media, ask questions and learn from other peoples experiences!

7. Finally, make the most of your trip! 

Go and spend a day in Paris or another French city. See some culture and have the best time!


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